Friday, October 31, 2008

October 31 - Nagasaki

Visited other historical sites in Nagasaki.

This is called Spectacles Bridge in Japanese as looks like one.
It was built in 1684 by a Chinese monk who based it on a similar bridge in China.
There are a few of this stone bridges over this river but this is the only one which looks like a pair of spectacles.

There were a few of this kind of ice cream seller around the tourist areas.
Mostly the Japanese kids would buy the vanilla ice cream cones for 100Yen (CAD 1.2) each.

Doesn't it look like a pair of spectacles?

Again many koi fishes in the river.

This heron just can't decide which fish to catch as there were just too many fishes

This cat has a funny brown patch on his mouth.

An old Chinese temple.
It was reconstructed after the atomic bomb.

This is the Dejima museum.
Dejima island was an artificial island built by the Japanese during the Edo period (1641 - 1853) to isolate themselves from the outside world.
Any foreign ships that came to trade with Japan could only unload their goods there.

Dejima island had a fan shape.

This is a model of Dejima.

The Dejima museum was built directly over the actual Dejima island.
However, it is no longer an island due to land reclamation.
At the museum, they reconstructed many of the old European style buildings.

This is how trading might have looked like at Dejima.

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