Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October 30 - Nagasaki

Three days after the detonation of an atomic bomb over Hiroshima, on August 9, 1945, at 11:02AM a second atomic bomb exploded over the city of Nagasaki.

Here is one of many monuments near the Peace Memorial.

There were many school children and as well, tourists, came to remember the victims of the atomic bomb.

Many brought strings of colorful paper cranes which were used to symbolize peace.

A lone survivor of the bomb, the pine tree.

Urakami Cathedral was devastated during the bomb.
Here's it is rebuilt one.


Cute little kids in the same scho0l attire.

The hut of Dr. Takashi Nagai where he lived when he suffered the radiation sickness.
Eventhough he was dying, he still looked after the other victims.

Peace park.

The remains of a prison.

A number of countries placed their own peace memorials in the park.
There was one given from a city in the USA but I didn't see one from Canada.

The fountains are like the wings of a dove.

Memorial to the Martyrdom of the 26 Saints of Japan

Nagasaki National Museum.

That's a replica of an old Japanese toilet.
Only the rich and powerful people could afford that.

In those days, all imported goods had to be inspected.

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